About Shabaton L’Menucha
Family Sampson were thrilled with the birth of their third child. A boy. Leah and Gemma were jumping for joy. A brother. What fun! But it wasn’t till March that year that the real fun began. The family were taken on a roller-coaster ride, with highs and lows that came with speeding successions.
It took three months for Mr and Mrs Sampson to realise something was strange with the baby. He was not developing, as he should have. And so began the long trek, of tests and diagnoses, examinations and prognoses.
At three years old baby Sampson, now named Alec, is still unable to walk. Alec is a lovable smiling child. He is also wheelchair bound. The family’s lives revolve around Alec. Doctor’s appointments, therapists, stimulation and care are daily components of Alec’s lives. Components that the family are happy to share.
There are many families like Family Sampson in London. Families who lovingly care for their child with special needs, racing to massive lengths to tend to their needs and help them achieve. These families extend themselves beyond their capabilities, doing all they can for their precious child. The tremendous energy they exert is unfathomable!
But roller-coasters are trying. It may be an exhilarating ride but it is far from stress-free. This is where Sabaton L’Menucha step in.
Shabaton L’Menucha arrange weekend trips for children with special needs. This gives the family a much needed respite break. And the programmes are arranged to give the children maximum enjoyment and stimulation. A wonderful doubly fantastic resolution.
Shabaton L’Menucha rely on generous people like to make this possible.
Please help these sweet children have a fantastic holiday whilst at the same time granting a respite break to their families.